
Gianni Fedele Mazza / Siren / Graphite


The mermaid

Siren celestial waters
from Greek oracles
amber eyes, angel hair
Marine corporal emanation fruit.

Exhausted in the plain of pleasure
fish biting your lips
Your belly door to heaven,
swimming in turquoise waters slowly
scraping the bottom with our body,
in the ecstasy of Your longing look.

You leave and return as dolphin to me
with soft hands pearly
we go into the depths of the cave
drink together sweet wine syrup

the mountains, the breeze, the sea,
Your creative source of old song.

Stop time, intertwined
in the vertical dimension,
attain divinity
in the continuous time.

River flowing to the ocean
leaving the lights
from the city.

Gianni Fedele Mazza



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