Océano Tangible / Tangible Ocean
Océano Tangible / Gianni Fedele Mazza / 100 x 80 cms. / Técnica mixta sobre tela / Año: 2005
Océano Tangible
Poder detener el flujo ondulatorio
del agua oceánica
convertirlo en materia
poder tocarla con las manos
conservar su olor
sus elementos
así pinté la obra
disfrutando cada pincelada
de miles de azules
sin pensar en nada
fue como fotografiar
o inmortalizar cada recuerdo
de un destello
una onda de agua
un burbujeo
en la conciencia
Gianni Fedele Mazza
Tangible Ocean
To be able to stop the wave flow
of ocean water
turn it into matter
to be able to touch it with his hands
keep your smell
its elements
so I painted the work
enjoying each brushstroke
of thousands of blues
without thinking about anything
it was like photographing
or immortalize each memory
in a flash
a wave of water
a bubbling
in consciousness
To be able to stop the wave flow
of ocean water
turn it into matter
to be able to touch it with his hands
keep your smell
its elements
so I painted the work
enjoying each brushstroke
of thousands of blues
without thinking about anything
it was like photographing
or immortalize each memory
in a flash
a wave of water
a bubbling
in consciousness
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